Agile HR in Practice
Date: 06 May 2025 / 08:30 – 16:30
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concepts have evolved from a theoretical idea to a concrete and essential component of business plans all over the world in recent years. Businesses are realizing more and more that incorporating ESG practices into their operations improves their competitiveness and long-term viability in addition to being in line with cultural…
Η Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκηση (ΤΑ) μπήκε για τα καλά σε ρυθμούς μεταρρύθμισης με τη δημιουργία των Επαρχιακών Οργανισμών Αυτοδιοίκησης (ΕΟΑ), των ενώσεων Δήμων και Κοινοτήτων καθώς και τη δημιουργία Συμπλεγμάτων Κοινοτήτων. Μετά τις πρόσφατες εκλογές τον περασμένο Ιούνιο, έχει δημιουργηθεί μία νέα δυναμική για την ΤΑ με πολλές νέες και υφιστάμενες προκλήσεις. Οι προκλήσεις άπτονται θεμάτων…
When was the last time you considered the well-being of your employees? Not just their productivity, but their overall happiness, health, and satisfaction? In a world where workplace burnout is at an all-time high, organizations that prioritize well-being are not only creating healthier work environments but are also seeing higher levels of engagement, loyalty, and…
Το Νοέμβριο του 2024, πραγματοποιήθηκε το σεμινάριο με θέμα “Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Εταιρικής και Τμηματικής Στοχοθέτησης”, προσφέροντας στους συμμετέχοντες μία ουσιαστική ευκαιρία να γνωρίσουν τις καινοτόμες στρατηγικές πίσω από το Balanced Scorecard και το Departmental Scorecard. Οι συμμετέχοντες απέκτησαν πολύτιμες γνώσεις για τη βελτίωση της εταιρικής και τμηματικής απόδοσης, και έμαθαν πώς να εφαρμόζουν αποτελεσματικά αυτές…
From 2022 to 2023, the job sector in Cyprus has gone through essential changes. The review in this text will cover major trends in employment, unemployment, and labor force participation, evaluating the ways in which these changes have affected different age and gender demographics in our workforce. The general trend in employment will be analyzed…
From 2022 to 2023, the job sector in Cyprus has gone through essential changes. The review in this text will cover major trends in employment, unemployment, and labor force participation, evaluating the ways in which these changes have affected different age and gender demographics in our workforce. The general trend in employment will be analyzed…
From 2022 to 2023, the job sector in Cyprus has gone through essential changes. The review in this text will cover major trends in employment, unemployment, and labor force participation, evaluating the ways in which these changes have affected different age and gender demographics in our workforce. The general trend in employment will be analyzed…
From 2022 to 2023, the job sector in Cyprus has gone through essential changes. The review in this text will cover major trends in employment, unemployment, and labor force participation, evaluating the ways in which these changes have affected different age and gender demographics in our workforce. The general trend in employment will be analyzed…
From 2022 to 2023, the job sector in Cyprus has gone through essential changes. The review in this text will cover major trends in employment, unemployment, and labor force participation, evaluating the ways in which these changes have affected different age and gender demographics in our workforce. The general trend in employment will be analyzed…